When you import tracks via csv, or by file directory, you have the option of tagging these tracks as "incomplete", meaning that you need to go back and fill out the rest of the information. To help with this project, we have created this section.

To tag incomplete tracks, go to FILE >> TAG INCOMPLETE TRACKS (Command-G)

You will then see a screen where it lists out the tracks tagged as incomplete (on the left) and some functions you can perform (on the right)

In the gridview, you can edit a track by double clicking on the track.

You can also delete a track by hitting the delete key.

You will see columns labeled "Writersi" and "Publishers". These stand for writer and publisher...more on that below.
and you will also see a select checkbox (), which allows you to select what tracks you want to perform the actions (below) on.

You can apply ONE writer to all the tracks tagged as incomplete. Do this by:
1) making sure the select check box is checked for all the tracks you want to perform this action on
2) select the writer in the drop down box (in the writer section)
3) click on the "Add writer to ALL selected incomplete tracks"

You can apply ONE publisher to all the tracks tagged as incomplete. Do this by:
1) making sure the select check box is checked for all the tracks you want to perform this action on
2) select the publisher in the drop down box (in the publisher section)
3) select what type of deal the publisher contract is for (exclusive or non-exclusive)
4) click on the "Add publisher to ALL selected incomplete tracks"

Check the "Flag selected incomplete tracks as complete" box if you want to flag all the selected incomplete tracks as complete. Doing this will remove these tracks from the incomplete track list (on the left)